Vietnam vows to digitize greenhouse-gas emissions inventory

Greenhouse-gas emissions stocktaking is difficult for many Vietnamese enterprises, but if the process is digitized, it could take only seven days and save a lot of money.

To reduce emissions to zero by 2050 as committed by the government of Vietnam at COP26, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) has joined forces with agencies to submit to the Prime Minister a list of business fields and facilities that must carry out greenhouse-gas emission inventory. The list includes facilities in industry and trade, transportation, construction, natural resources with annual emissions of 4,000 tons of CO2 equivalent and higher.

It is estimated that about 3,000 businesses in Vietnam have to carry out mandatory greenhouse-gas emission stocktaking. They have to do this once every two years; and implement plans to mitigate greenhouse-gas emissions.  They have the responsibility of reporting the emission reductions by December 31.

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Tam An